Wiki source code of Suggest Widget

Version 53.1 by Buzila Vlad on 2016/04/21

Show last authors
1 {{velocity output="false"}}
2 ##
3 ## TODO:
4 ## - Document the REST usage of the suggest (this is the recommanded way of using the suggest now - when possible)
5 ## - Merge the example document in this one (why are there 2 documents ?)
6 ##
7 {{/velocity}}
9 {{box cssClass="floatinginfobox" title="**Contents**"}}
10 {{toc/}}
11 {{/box}}
13 {{info}}
14 This is a Javascript widget bundled by default with the XWiki platform.
15 {{/info}}
17 = Usage =
19 The suggest widget can be triggered when typing something in a text field. The suggested list can contain field values from a class defined in your wiki, data retrieved from a custom document or a REST resource, or any custom information you provide.
21 == Suggest fields from a class defined in the wiki ==
23 Use information from a predefined class in your wiki (e.g. ##XWiki.TagClass##, ##XWiki.XWikiUsers##, etc.) or from a class defined by yourself.
25 For example, use **XWiki.TagClass** to suggest tags from the wiki tag cloud:
27 [[image:[email protected]]]
29 {{code}}
30 $!xwiki.jsx.use("DevGuide.AutoSuggestWidgetExample")
31 <form method="post" action="#">
32 <label for="myinput">Type the name of a tag and test the suggest list:</label>
33 <input id="myinput" size="20" type="text" value=""/>
34 </form>
35 {{/code}}
37 The ##JavascriptExtension## object from the [[DevGuide.AutoSuggestWidgetExample]] page contains the Javascript code to enable the widget when focusing on the text field:
39 {{code}}
40 (function(){
41 document.observe('dom:loaded', function () {
42 if($('myinput')) {
43 Event.observe($('myinput'), "focus", function() {
44 new XWiki.widgets.Suggest(this, {
45 script: '$xwiki.getURL("${}.WebHome", "view")?xpage=suggest&classname=XWiki.TagClass&fieldname=tags&secCol=-&',
46 varname: "input",
47 seps: " ,|",
48 offsety: 13
49 });
50 });
51 }
52 }); // end of doc observe
53 })();
54 {{/code}}
56 === Options used in the ##suggest.vm## template: ===
58 |=Option|=Details
59 |xpage|For class properties use ##xpage=suggest## because the ##suggest.vm## template can handle such requests.
60 |classname|The name of the class for the elements of the suggest list.
61 |fieldname|The field name from the class considered for the suggest list.
62 |firCol|First column of the list of results.
63 |secCol|Second column of the list of results. For a user defined query, use **-** value for one column and no hidden input. Otherwise the list of results will have two columns and a hidden input.
65 === Example ===
67 Check out the example for class field values at [[Class Field Example>>DevGuide.AutoSuggestWidgetExample]]
69 == Suggest custom information ==
71 When the information you want to suggest is not available through a class field or you generate it using a custom query, you need to create a service (plain wiki page called with the ##get## action and with ##outputSyntax=plain## parameter in the url, for example: ##xwiki/bin/get/Space/Page?outputSyntax=plain##) that maps your results to the **xml** input accepted by the widget. For example, you can build a list of suggestions that contains the wiki page names within a certain space:
73 [[image:[email protected]]]
75 {{code}}
76 $!xwiki.jsx.use("DevGuide.AjaxSuggestCustomExample")
77 <form method="post" action="#">
78 <label for="myinput">Type the name of an example page from the <tt>DevGuide</tt> space and test the suggest list:</label>
79 <input id="myinput_suggest" size="20" type="text" value=""/>
80 <input id="myinput" type="hidden" />
81 <input id="mybutton" type="button" value="Go" /><br/>
82 </form>
83 {{/code}}
85 The ##JavascriptExtension## object from the [[DevGuide.AjaxSuggestCustomExample]] page contains the Javascript code to enable the widget when focusing on the text field. Also, the ##script## option uses the URL for the results page.
87 {{code}}
88 (function(){
89 document.observe('dom:loaded', function () {
90 if($('myinput_suggest')) {
91 Event.observe($('myinput_suggest'), "focus", function() {
92 new XWiki.widgets.Suggest(this, {
93 script: "$xwiki.getURL('DevGuide.SuggestService', 'get', 'outputSyntax=plain&spacename=DevGuide')&",
94 varname: "input",
95 seps: " ,|",
96 offsety: 13,
97 minchars: 3
98 });
99 });
100 }
101 }); // end of doc observe
102 })();
103 {{/code}}
105 The service page uses a query to get all the pages from the space provided using ##spacename## parameter in the URL. The generated response must be an **xml** file that has ##<results>## as a root node and ##<rs>## as children.
107 {{code}}
108 ##
109 ## Service to generate the suggest list of files from a certain space.
110 ## @spacename
111 ## @input
112 ##
113 #set($input = $request.get("input").toLowerCase())
114 #set($spacename = $request.get("spacename"))
115 $response.setContentType("text/xml") ## generate a xml file
116 ## select pages
117 #if("$!input" == "")
118 #set($query = "where'$spacename' and<>'WebHome' and<>'WebPreferences' order by desc")
119 #else
120 #set($query = "where'$spacename' and<>'WebHome' and<>'WebPreferences' and lower( like '%" + $input + "%' order by desc")
121 #end
122 #set($searchresults = $xwiki.searchDocuments($query, 30, 0))
123 <results space="$spacename">
124 #foreach($result in $searchresults)
125 #set($resultDoc = $xwiki.getDocument($result))
126 #set($resultDocName = $
127 #set($resultDocURL = $resultDoc.getURL())
128 <rs id="1" info="$resultDocURL">$resultDocName</rs>
129 #end
130 </results>
131 {{/code}}
133 To provide autosuggest to several elements on the form, you can use JavaScript to loop through all the form elements and provide autosuggest if they meet certain conditions. In the example below, if there are form elements with id //Supplier// in the form, they get assigned a suggest widget that uses the //Suppliers// space as its source. If the element id matches //Product//, the suggest is told to use the //Products// space as its source instead.
135 This method can be very useful when a form contains a lot of similar elements that require autosuggest. If you make sure the naming is done consistently, you can also use javascript to assign autosuggest based on part of the element id, for example 'all elements ending with _foo' or 'all elements starting with Bar_'. You can use the velocity code from the example above with the code below.
137 {{code}}
138 (function(){
139 document.observe('dom:loaded', function () {
140 myForm = document.getElementById('inline').elements;
141 for(i=0; i<myForm.length; i++){
142 if(myForm[i].id =='Supplier'){
143 mySuggest(myForm[i], 'Suppliers');
144 }
145 if(myForm[i].id=='Product'){
146 mySuggest(myForm[i], 'Products');
147 }
148 }
149 }); // end of doc observe
150 })();
152 function mySuggest(element, space) {
153 if (!element.suggest) {
154 element.suggest = new XWiki.widgets.Suggest(element, {
155 script: "$xwiki.getURL('Sandbox.AutoSuggest', 'get', 'outputSyntax=plain&spacename=')"+space+"&",
156 varname: "input",
157 seps: " ,|",
158 offsety: 13,
159 minchars: 1
160 });
161 }
162 }
163 {{/code}}
165 === Example ===
167 Check out the example for custom information at [[Custom Information Example>>DevGuide.AjaxSuggestCustomExample]]
169 == Suggest Users or Groups from the wiki ==
171 Local or global users and groups from the wiki can be suggested using the **uorgsuggest.vm** template.
173 Example:
175 {{code}}
176 $xwiki.jsx.use("$doc.fullName")##
178 <input name="userInput" id="userInput" value="" type="text"/>
179 {{/code}}
181 Here is the code that made the suggestion of global users from the wiki possible:
183 {{code}}
184 ...
185 <input name="userInput" id="userInput" value="" type="text"/>
186 ...
187 {{/code}}
189 {{code}}
190 (function(){
191 document.observe('dom:loaded', function () {
192 if($('userInput')) {
193 Event.observe($('userInput'), "focus", function() {
194 new XWiki.widgets.Suggest(this, {
195 script: '$xwiki.getURL("${doc.fullName}", "view")?xpage=uorgsuggest&classname=XWiki.XWikiUsers&wiki=global&uorg=user&',
196 varname: "input",
197 seps: " ,|",
198 delay : 200,
199 timeout: 5000,
200 offsety: 13
201 });
202 });
203 }
204 }); // end of doc observe
205 })();
206 {{/code}}
208 == Search suggest shows document title but searches by document name ==
210 Example:
212 The request
214 {{code}}
216 #set($suggestURL = $xwiki.getURL('Main.WebHome', 'view', "&xpage=suggest&classname=SomeSpace.SomeClass&fieldname=entity&"))
218 onfocus='new XWiki.widgets.Suggest(this, {script:"$escapetool.javascript("${suggestURL}&")", varname:"input", callback: function(obj) {resource.onChangeEntity(, obj.value);}} )'
220 {{/code}}
222 The JavascriptExtension object
224 {{code}}
226 // entityValue is the document name and entityInfo is the document title
227 onChangeEntity: function(entityValue, entityInfo) {
228 // Update entity value
229 $('SomeSpace.SomeClass_0_entity_suggest').value = entityInfo;
230 var serviceURL = new XWiki.Document('SomePageOne', 'SomeSpace').getURL('view');
231 var ajx = new Ajax.Request(serviceURL, {
232 method: 'get',
233 parameters: 'xpage=plain&outputSyntax=plain&entity=' + encodeURIComponent(entityValue)
236 {{/code}}
238 = Javascript parameters for the ##XWiki.widgets.Suggest## constructor =
240 |=Parameter|=Details|=Default value
241 |##className##|The CSS classname of the suggest list.|##ajaxsuggest##
242 |##minchars##|The minimum number of characters after which to trigger the suggest.|##1##
243 |##delay##|Throttle delay: how much to wait after a keypress before requesting suggestions from the server, in milliseconds.|##500##
244 |##timeout##|How long to display the list of suggestions, in milliseconds. If the user doesn't interact with the suggestions before the timeout expires, the list will be cleared.|##2500## (2.5 seconds).
245 |##offsety##|How much to shift the list of suggestions vertically from the normal position, in pixels. This allows, for example, room for extra decorations between the input and the list.|##0##
246 |##shownoresults##|What to do when no results match the current input: display a "no results" message (##true##), or simply hide the suggest box when no suggestions are available (##false##).|##true##
247 |##noresults##|Default displayed message when ##shownoresults## is enabled and there are no results to display.|##No results!## (translation key ##core.widgets.suggest.noResults##)
248 |##hideButton##|Controls whether a //hide suggestions// button (or two) is displayed or not. If used, must be a map (JS Object) with two possible keys: ##hideButton.positions## is an array that accepts as values ##top## and ##bottom##, specifying where to place hide buttons, and ##hideButton.text## is the text that should be displayed.|##{positions: ['top'], text: 'hide suggestions'}## (translation key ##core.widgets.suggest.hide##)
249 |##cache##|Cache the list suggestions returned for a specific input for the lifetime of the current page.|##false##
250 |##seps##|If suggestions should be returned for each token instead of the full text in the input, set this to a list of characters that should be used for splitting the input into tokens. Leave empty to skip tokenizing and use the whole text instead.|Empty string
251 |##parentContainer##|The id of the element that will hold the suggest element. Useful when the enhanced input is not statically positioned, for example in a modal dialog|##body##
252 |##sources##|Array of sources from where to fetch suggestions. If there are any entries in this array, then the suggest functions in //multi-source// mode; if not, then the suggest is in //single-source// mode. Every entry should be a map (JS Object), and the following parameters should be used as keys in every such map instead of keys in the global options.|None, by default the suggest is in single-source mode
253 |##script##|URL for the ajax request that will get the suggested list. Must end with ##&## because ##varname## parameter will be appended. Use ##suggest.vm## to get field values from a wiki class or a custom URL to generate the suggested list.|None, this parameter is mandatory
254 |##varname##|The name of the request parameter holding the input stub.|##input##
255 |##method##|The HTTP method for the AJAX request.|##get##
256 |##resultsParameter##|The name of the JSON variable or XML element holding the results.|##results## for XML results, must be changed to ##searchResults## for the REST search
257 |##resultId##|The name of the JSON parameter or XML attribute holding the result identifier.|##id## for both the old suggest and the REST search
258 |##resultValue##|The name of the JSON parameter or XML attribute holding the result value.|##value## for the old suggest, must be changed to ##pageFullName## for the REST search
259 |##resultInfo##|The name of the JSON parameter or XML attribute holding the result auxiliary information.|##info## for the old suggest, must be changed to ##pageFullName## for the REST search
260 |##icon##|An icon to display for every entry in the results fetched from this source.|None, no icon is displayed
261 |##highlight##|Should results fragments be highlighted when matching typed input.|##true##
262 |##align##|Control where the suggest box will be displayed. Possible values are: ##left##, ##center##, ##right##.
263 Since 6.2: there is also the ##auto## value, that will place the search box from the left of the input box unless there is not enough place to display it entirely, otherwise it will be displayed from the right.|##right##
264 |##propagateEventKeyCodes##|A sublist of key codes, from the list of keys handled by this widget, for which to propagate the keyboard event. Useful when another keyboard event listener exists on the input field, even if it may be registered at a difference level. See the ##onKeyPress## in the code for a clearer picture.|Empty list. By default, none of the handled key events propagate. All other, not handled, events do.
266 = Tips =
268 * Suggest event:(((
269 xwiki:suggest:selected##{{code}}Event.observe($('myInput'), "xwiki:suggest:selected", function(event) {
270 // do something with event.memo.value or or ...
271 });{{/code}}##
272 )))
273 * Check out the code:
274 ** [[for your wiki instance>>http://localhost:8080/xwiki/resources/js/xwiki/suggest/ajaxSuggest.js]]
275 ** the suggest resources on GitHub (for example tag xwiki-platform-4.1): {{scm branch="xwiki-platform-4.1" path="xwiki-platform-core/xwiki-platform-web/src/main/webapp/resources/uicomponents/suggest/"/}}
277 = Bugs we know about =
279 The suggest feature will not work if the page called by the widget is not saved with programming rights (see details on [[this issue>>]]).

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